As the title suggests, all I’ve done in the past week is pre-write. Normally, I am a panster when it comes to writing but with such a big project, I’ve decided to deviate from the normal this week by outlining. It’s incredibly time consuming, but I’ll admit, my perfectionistic brain loves structure.
With Camp Nanowrimo just around the corner, my goal is to complete outlining and any other necessary details by July 1st. I’ve been using Save the Cat to create a long bullet point outline of every big event I want to happen in Book 1. Once I finished that, I messed around in Scrivener (which I’m still figuring out how to use efficiently) to put everything into scene cards and decide which point of view I’ll be writing from for each scene. I’m a quarter of the way through, but since I really only need to add POVs, I can’t imagine it will take me too terribly long.
Once all of that is done I get to start writing! I can’t wait to see the characters and the story I’ve had in my head come to life on the page.
I went on to the Nanowrimo site today to officially create my project and set my goal for the month which will be 30K words. With college on the horizon and running a podcast, 50K seemed too much so I adjusted the goal to work for me. Obviously, I hope to achieve this goal, but I also know life gets in the way so I’m not going to be too hard on myself if I don’t make it. That being said, I want to set a reward if I do make it because 30K is a lot of words. Maybe a bookish themed poster to hang up in my dorm? I’ll decide by the end of the week.